Alexander Andriatis


I'm a PhD student at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography working on observing ocean turbulence using novel instrumentation.

I am also a passionate decarbonization advocate and enjoy thinking about solutions for the clean energy transition.

If you'd like to get in touch, send me an email.

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Energy and Estimates and Publications

To inform my discussions about the cliamte crisis and solutions for it, I’ve made a number of back-of-the-envelope calculations involving energy, transportation, and the green economy. Together with opinionated views on moral values and policy actions, these make up a portfolio of climate-related investigations.


“A petition for Scripps’s Commitment to a Zero-Emissions Research Fleet” is a petition asking Scripps to commit to a zero-emissions research fleet. It is accompanied by a letter to the Scripps administration and an opinion article for publicity.

“Transportation Efficiency of Various Modes of Transport” is a rough estimate of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from various transportation that stemmed out of a teatime debate over the climate impacts of flying.

“Electric Vehicle Efficiency” is a running list of electric vehicles available on the market. It is meant both as a research tool to guage the status of electric vehicle efficiency and cost, and as a tool to aid purchasing decisions.


“Electrifying UCSD: The path to a zero-emision campus” is a poster presenting my work as a UC Carbon Neutrality Fellowship on evaluating decarbonization pathways for UCSD.

“An independent estimate of electrification demands and costs for UCSD” is a vision of what campus electrification at UCSD would look like, and represents preliminary work that led to the fellowship and above poster.

“What about the Lithium” is a take on the anti-lithium rhetoric coming from the climate left. Rather than jumping to reject lithium batteries for the economic and social damages caused by extractivist mining practices, I urge a holistic view that includes their significant advantage over fossil energy and prospects for a fairer lithium trade.

“Lithium in Context” is a companion piece to “What about the Lithium” which quantitatively compares fossil-based transportation and energy with electrification.

“Lithium and Electrification” is a presentation about electrification at UCSD, and the lithium that will be required. The purpose of the slides is to encourage cliamte activists to promote electrification despite the resources required for the needed lithium batteries.

“Hydropower vs Solar” is a quick investigation about the land use of renewable energy.